Participant Registration
Parents or Guardians, click below to register kids for this event.
Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!
September 8, 2024 — May 18, 2025
Sunday School at Christ the King is for all ages -- children, teens, and adults.
Children in Grades PK through 5th grade enjoy a traditional "classroom" Sunday School with a new Bible story each week. (Note: children must be 3 years old by Sept. 30, 2024, and toilet-trained.) The lessons weave in hands-on activities and experiences to bring the stories to life. The classes begin with JumpStart in the Music room on the lower level of the Education wing and move to classrooms on the upper floor. We'll have the option to meet outside when the weather permits. Following current Christ the King policy, wearing face masks is optional.
Students in Grades 6th through 8th participate in our Confirmation program, culminating in the Affirmation of Baptism for eligible 8th graders on May 18, 2025. The program is equal parts learning and fun, with great "junior high" youth group activities. Confirmation students will meet in the large (double-wide) Confirmation classroom or outside at the Fire Pit.
Our Senior High students (grades 9 - 12) enjoy lively discussions (and doughnuts!) and morph into our Youth Group for other fun, non-Sunday-morning activities such as Games nights and service projects. The Senior High class will meet in the High School classroom.
Our Adult Forum is an opportunity to enjoy some grown-up conversation for those of you who have little ones at home! And our empty-nesters have wisdom to share. The topics of the Adult Forum rotate between Bible study, current events, and Christian discipleship. Each week's lesson stands alone -- so newcomers and those who attend occasionally may participate fully. The Adult class meets in Luther's Lounge with the option to participate via Zoom.
There is always room for more, whether students or teachers, so join us in learning God's Word so that we can share it freely.
Parents or Guardians, click below to register kids for this event.
Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!