Volunteer Registration

Click below to register as a volunteer for this event.



WELCOME to Saint Mark the Evangelist Parish TRUE NORTH! VBS. When registering, please select the grade your child is in as of SPRING 2025 (current grade/age). 

NEW for 2025:

  • PRESCHOOL is for ages 4-5 (Note: 3-year olds who are currently attending preschool may be the exception - please contact me). Any preschooler attending must be potty-trained and able to separate from Mom/Dad. For 5 year olds/pre-K you may select preschool OR regular VBS (please note, preschool is still recommended - it has shorter rotation times, simpler activities, smaller groups and is less noisy and overwhelming).
  • Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be in mixed age groups - they are not separated by grade
  • 4th-6th graders will be in a separate group called VBX - VBS but XTRA!!

PLEASE NOTE there is a BIG difference between preschool VBS and regular VBS. Preschoolers will all be grouped together and be in groups only with other preschoolers, they will have about 12 kids per group, their rotations are shorter time frames, and activities are simplified. Preschool meets in the upper level rooms of Saint Kilian School, with their own separate drop-off and pick-up access. Children in grades K-3 and 4-6 will be put into mixed-age groups  - they will not be separated according to grade. They have VBS in the lower level rooms of the school in groups of 25; drop-off and pick-up is in the cafeteria with the large group.

FEE: This year the early-bird fee is $45 per child; there is no multiple child discount. Registration fee includes VBS program, participant t-shirt, and music CD or download card (1 music choice/item per family). The late registration fee begins June 1st and is $55 per child; t-shirt sizes or availability and/or music is not guaranteed for late registrations. Please contact the parish if payment is a financial hardship. 

We are so glad to have your child/ren at TRUE NORTH Alaska VBS 2025!