One of the greatest privileges we have as a church is the opportunity to celebrate sacraments together -- outward signs of inward grace! We rejoice at any opportunity we have to share in anyone's baptism, first reconciliation, first Eucharist, Confirmation and beyond!

Please see the information below on how Epiphany can help you & your child on the sacramental journey.

If your teen is interested in receiving the sacraments of baptism, or the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist for the first time, please contact Jessica Smith directly. 

If your teen has already received those sacraments and is interested in continuing their sacramental journey with Confirmation, please see the info below. 


  • We are committed to having our youth (grade 9 and above) spiritually prepared to receive this sacrament, if they are interested. 
  • The sacrament of Confirmation at Epiphany will be celebrated with Bishop Noonan on Sunday, January 12th at our Sunday evening 5pm Mass.

Contact Jessica Smith at 386-767-6111 or at with any questions or concerns.