Thank you so much for allowing your children to attend Woodland's VBS this summer! Here is important info to make this VBS run as smoothly as possible so that we can focus on the fun!:

**For your child's safety, pick-up each night will be at the back of the church at the portico entrance. Please park in the parking lot and enter through the double doors. Your child will be brought to the Life Center (gym) each night  (7:50-8:00) and you may pick them up there. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO TO THE CLASSROOMS TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD. This causes confusion and congestion in the hallway and is not safe.

On Thursday night, please plan to join us in the Life Center at 7:40 to watch a fun slide show of what they learned throughout the week!

** We are serving a light supper for registered children and volunteers only each night. Children in K-4/K-5 group will be served by our supper volunteers and older children will serve themselves. We do not charge for these suppers, however please consider making a donation if you are able. IF YOU UTILIZE ONLINE GIVING, PLEASE CHOOSE "CHILDREN'S MINISTRY" IN THE DROP-DOWN MENU. 

Check out the menu and remember to let us know of any food allergies your child has. 


Available EVERY night- PB&J quarters, apple slices, carrot sticks and lemonade

Monday- hotdogs and chips

Tuesday- Dinosaur chicken nuggets and tater tots

Wednesday- pizza

Thursday- baked spaghetti and French bread


Our VBS mission again this year is Operation Christmas Child. Please bring in these items to help us reach our goal- 

Monday- crayons

Tuesday- bars of soap

Wednesday- flashlights

Thursday- child size socks