
What Is VBS All About? 

Well, to put it plainly, it is about sharing the love of Jesus, not only with children, but with adults as well. It is a safe place for children to interact with each other, older teens, and adults as they learn stories, concepts, and verses from the Bible. VBS is an acronym for Vacation Bible School. 

This year, we will learn about a character from the Bible named Daniel! You can find out more about what we'll be learning by clicking here

Who Does VBS?

Our VBS leaders are volunteers from the church of Christ. They have a heart for sharing Jesus' love with children, and they are excited to get to spend a week of their summer sharing that love! 

Why Should My Child Attend VBS? 

The first answer? Because it is a lot of fun! Children get to hear stories, make cool crafts, meet interesting Bible characters, sing fun songs, and play crazy games! Not to mention meeting amazing friends...both young and old! 

The second answer? Because children are special to Jesus. Even during the heart of his ministry here on earth, Jesus made time to show love to children. In fact, he used children as an example of how we should be! By attending VBS, your child will get to experience that love! 

If you don't know Jesus, or would like to know more about his love, please contact a local church, and, read the Bible for just might change your life! To download the Bible app on your phone or tablet, click here

Welcome To Babylon!