Wednesday Kids' Ministries are composed of three groups:
Kinder LIFE (Living in Faith Everyday) is for boys and girls currently in kindergarten. During our time together, we will hear a simple Bible story, play games, make crafts and have a snack.
Girls' LIFE (Living in Faith Everyday) is an opportunity for girls in first through fifth grades to grow in their faith while building relationships with adult women in the church. We will have large group teaching time, small group discussions, singing, games and simple crafts.
Boys' LIFE (Living in Faith Everyday) is a men's and children's ministry designed for fathers/mentors and their sons. Men of children in first through fifth grades are needed and strongly encouraged to attend in order to build stronger relationships with their son and other boys. Since men will be assisting other children, they need to have their PA State clearances. Will you or another mentor be able to attend with your son? Please give us your name and email address, when you register, so that we can be in touch with you.
There is no fee to participate in these ministries. There might be an occasional fee to help off-set the cost of special events such as a retreat.