Awana is an exciting, Bible-centered club program for boys and girls. A typical night at Awana includes three segments: Game Time, Handbook Time, and Large Group Time. All three help children grow and learn together.

  • Game Time includes organized games that get all of the children to participate, unleashing natural energy and enthusiasm.
  • During Handbook Time, Clubbers progress through handbooks and leaders meet with them to review what they have learned.
  • Large Group Time includes a Bible Story, music, announcements, awards and recognition for individual and team progress.

Awana Dates

Awana takes place on Friday evenings beginning September 6, 2024 through June 13, 2025 from 7:00-8:30 PM.  A calendar with the Awana dates and days off is available in the documents section of this site. 

Age Groups

  • "Cubbies" - Preschool (2 years before Kindergarten)
  • "K-Sparks" - Kindergarten
  • "Sparks" - 1st and 2nd Grades 
  • "Truth & Training" (aka "T&T") - 3rd, 4th & 5th grades.  Also available for 6th grade students working towards the Timothy Award  

Costs and Scholarships

The registration fee is $50 per child. The registration fee includes the cost of one handbook. Requests for scholarships to cover a portion of the registration fee can be sent via email to Ken Koshimizu, Awana Commander, at

The children are required to wear a uniform (a vest for Cubbies, K-Sparks and Sparks; a polo shirt for T & T). The vest costs $16; the T&T polo shirt costs $21.  If your child is new to a club, your child will need to purchase a uniform.  

Each club has an optional book bag that can be purchased to keep all of the children's Awana materials together. The optional book bag is available for $9. 

 Additional/replacement books are $16.


Register your child now, while space is still available!  

And consider volunteering to lend a hand - even part time makes a difference.