LIFE in Christ SDA Church /West Wilmington SDA Church/ Hope Community SDA Church

Vacation Bible School Policies and Procedures ( June 2024)

Our goal is to make The LINC/WW/HCC VBS a safe and healthy place for all children participating in our Vacation Bible School (VBS). Please understand, by registering your child(ren) for VBS you are agreeing to follow the policies and procedures as outlined herein.

LINC/WW/HCC Vacation Bible School student participation is recommended for the age groups specified on its VBS website  and associated publicity materials.

Policy Concerning Medical Care:

Should any child(ren) become ill after arriving at VBS, parents/guardians may be contacted to pick up the ill child(ren); please refer to the health Policy portion of this document regarding child(ren)’s re-admittance to VBS. 

In the event of minor cuts and/or scrapes, VBS staff may administer basic first aid to child(ren). 

Parents/guardians will be contacted regarding an incident requiring emergency care; in the event that parents/guardians cannot be reached, VBS leaders may authorize emergency care. Unless otherwise specified A.I Dupont Nemours Children’s hospital, DE will be used. Parents/guardians accept responsibility for all associated expenses.

Acceptance of Rules and Policies:

Parents/guardians of children attending VBS are encouraged to read and understand The LINC/WW/HCC VBS’s procedures and policies; by registering child(ren) for VBS parents/guardians agree to abide by these procedures and policies for the duration of their family’s involvement with the program.

Arrival/Dismissal Policy & Procedure

Children may not be dropped off at the church building prior to 5:15 PM when registration begins; children must be picked up by their parent(s)/guardian(s) or approved individuals, who have been listed on the current year’s VBS registration form, no later than 8:15 PM.

Children must be accompanied by their parent/guardian to the registration table inside the church building where the parent/guardian must complete a registration form either online, on paper or hand in a completed registration form to VBS staff on the first evening of their child(ren)’s attendance of VBS; on subsequent evenings of attendance children must be accompanied by their parent/guardian to the registration table inside the church building where they will be received by VBS staff.

Following closing assembly, children will be dismissed individually by VBS staff in the church sanctuary to their parent(s)/guardian(s) or approved individual(s).

Only parent(s)/guardian(s) or their approved individuals, who have been listed on their child(ren)’s current VBS registration form, will be allowed to pick up your child(ren), even if your child(ren) knows the individual. 

No one under 18 will be allowed to pick up your child unless a written and dated letter of permission signed by the parent has been provided to the VBS director. Please inform us if there are any custody or legal issues that we should be aware of regarding your child. Your child’s safety is our number one priority.

Behavior Expectations

Please note that if a child continually chooses to break any rules or be disruptive during VBS, they may not be allowed to participate in the remainder of those activities. If necessary, the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be called to take them home. These expectations for our VBS are not meant to be restrictive but to ensure a safe and fun atmosphere where everyone has a sense of security.

We are fortunate to have many dedicated VBS volunteers working with our children during VBS. We strive to provide an environment that fosters respect, caring, and kindness. In order to achieve this, we need for children attending to follow these basic expectations of behavior throughout our time together.

● Be safe:

○ Tell the teacher/station leader when, where, and why you need to leave the room.

○ Report injuries to your teacher/station leader.

○ Be aware of your food or other allergies.

● Respect others; treat others as you want to be treated.

○ It is necessary for children to show respect to their teachers/station leaders and

classmates by listening without interrupting.

○ Refrain from pushing, shoving, teasing, and other inappropriate behaviors.

○ Be considerate of others’ feelings and belongings.

● Attitude; come ready to participate and learn.

● Value church property; take care of the church equipment, materials, and classrooms.

Children must remain with their assigned groups at all times. They will not be allowed to leave

their groups to visit friends or family members that are onsite or traveling with other groups. All

children will receive positive guidance during our time together. All activities will be well

supervised by our friendly volunteers who strive to make each year’s VBS experience a safe, fun

filled adventure for all.

Health Policy: If your child has had a fever in the last 24 hours or has been diagnosed with a

contagious disease, please do not bring your child to VBS.

Photo Release Policy

VBS2024 Thunder Island at West Wilmington obtains photo release for VBS students via the appropriate section located on its VBS registration form. The VBS 2024 Thunder Island program  has obtained permission to use their photographs publicly in VBS materials, it is understood the images may be used in online, and print publications and presentations. It is also understood that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to parent(s)/guardian(s) of VBS students by reason of such use.