Participant Registration

Parents or Guardians, click below to register kids for this event.


Volunteer Registration

Click below to register as a volunteer for this event.




The Afternoon Camp fees cover the materials, supplies, ingredients and other needs to sustain the program for 5 days. It is required to pay the full amount your child has registered for on the day of registration at When paying through VENMO, there is a 2.5% transaction fee. Please include the transaction fee in the payment. ( e.g. $150 x 2.5% = $ 153.75 total payment). You can also make a payment on the first day of Vacation Bible School by cash, Venmo or check payable to Pleasant Hill SDA Church. On the check, please write the name of the child/children. We will only take payments from an adult. Your child will be able to participate in the day's afternoon camp activities if he/she is fully paid on the first day of Vacation Bible School. 


We also offer an extra hour of extended care until 5:00 pm for an extra $10 per day. If you plan to have your child stay until 5:00 pm, please pay the difference of $10 per day along with your registration fee of $150 and email Keila Pratley at with name of child.

Please contact Keila Pratley for all afternoon camp inquiries.


Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!
