You are treasured! This epic adventure engages the whole crew! At Treasured, kids spend the week Discovering You're Priceless to God! Kids age 3 - grade 5 are invited to join us JULY 6th-9th from 9:00 -11:30 am each morning, with a sundaes celebration after worship on Sunday, July 11th.  Cost is $5 per child for the week.

Please note children must be potty trained. Nursery is provided for younger children of volunteers.

TCPC's Health and Hospitality Guidelines:

We’re committed to offering a safe and welcoming environment for all of our participants and volunteers at Treasured VBS. In accordance with TCPC’s Health-Policy, we’re committing to the following Covid guidelines:

  • During the VBS program, children will be placed in small bubble groups of 7-10 which will maintain a social distance from other groups.
  • While indoors, children and adults will wear face masks.
  • Each day of VBS, families will be asked to confirm that no one in their household has had a fever or displayed Covid-symptoms within the last 14 days.

Thank you for your help in ensuring a smooth and safe experience for all our children at VBS!