Looking for something for the kiddos this summer? Well look no further! Grab your scuba gear, jump in the car and join us at Tucson Christian Fellowship for the chance to learn, sing, dance, experiment, play and explore with us as we journey deep into an amazing undersea adventure with some special ocean creatures to learn about God and His love for us. Your child will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. They learn some amazing music, do some super cool experiments, make some keep sake crafts, enjoy yummy snacks, play some silly games and of course join in the experience of diving into the book of John. Here at Scuba VBS your child will not only have a blast but will learn some helpful bible points and learn how to navigate and understand the bible and Gods word better. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about! Don't let this experience pass you, we looking forward to seeing you at Scuba VBS!