Get ready for an underwater adventure!! At SCUBA VBS, kids will explore how God is a friend who is real, loves, is trustworthy, forever, and for everyone! SCUBA VBS will be an amazing, fun, wild, week - June 16-20 (that’s Sunday-Thursday!), but before it can begin, we need YOU! To be more specific, the children of Summit Church, and our community need you to be a part of this year’s SCUBA VBS! Check out and PRAY through the list below, asking God where he would have you serve during VBS week, and in the weeks before as we prepare! You can register as a volunteer right on this website!! Let’s get together and help kids discover how they can dive deep into a friendship with God!!

Tide Pool Preschool Station Leader

 SCUBA Preschool Crew Leader

SCUBA Elementary Crew Leader

Imagination Station Leader

Bible Adventures Leader

Reef Rec Games Leader

Tidal Treats Leader

Sticky Scripture Leader

Assistant in any of the above areas