Incoming 6th-8th graders: Students should sign up as assistant crew leaders in either preschool or elementary school crews. The cost is $10.00 per students (simply for the food factor). 

Incoming 9th-12th graders: Students should sign up to be crew leaders for preschool or elementary school. 

What about Shield the Vulnerable Training? Students 18 and older must complete VIRTUS training:

14-17 year olds: Must complete "Worthy of the Call" training. This training will be offered in the parish center TUESDAY, JUNE 12th at 7:00pm. YOU MUST HAVE THIS TO VOLUNTEER!

Under 14yrs: No child protection training is needed, it is considered Christian service. 

Where do I sign my child up to volunteer? Whether you add them as a participant or a volunteer, we will get them in the right spot. Kids FINISHING 5th grade automatically are assistant crew leaders. 

ADULTS: We really REALLY need you! Middle school students volunteer by the truckload, but we need adults to help us with all sorts of things.