Frequently Asked Questions
How to pay, deadlines, drop off/pick up routines, trainings for volunteers, and many other questions are answered on the Details pages for Participants and Volunteers. Please also read those pages carefully!
1. What does my child need to bring to VBS?
A. Just have them wear comfortable clothes and shoes! Tennis shoes work best so kids can run for a game if necessary. We do not recommend flip flops for safety. Your registration fee allows us to budget and provide all materials, snacks, etc. for children, except those with severe allergies who sometimes bring their own snacks.
2. Where (and what time) do I drop off/pick up my child?
A. Please park in East side parking lot of the Family Life Center and bring your child to Assisi Hall through the marked double glass doors. For the security and safety of all children, these are the only set of doors that you can enter and exit through each morning and afternoon. You will need to initial your child in and out each morning and afternoon. Please arrive no earlier than 8:50 am each morning in order to allow for enough volunteers to properly supervise children. Participants will not be admitted into the building BEFORE 8:50am unless they are a child of, or sibling of a volunteer. Please pick up no later than 12:05 pm so volunteers can get ready for the following day and bring their kids home for lunch.
3. What if someone else has to pick up my child?
A. If you know now that someone else will drop off/pick up children, please add their name to the registration form as "Alternate Contact." If there are any changes the week of VBS, please have someone on the sign in/sign out team mark the change on the sheet. Call or email Karen Hines at or 972-492-3237 ext. 123 with any questions. Please also call or email if there is anyone specifically NOT allowed to pick up your child.