
Monday, June 3rd: Decorating open to adults and high schoolers only. (Adults who are volunteering may bring their children of any age.) This day will be devoted to planning the overall decorations and organizing supplies, as well as beginning the major projects.

Tuesday-Friday, June 4-7: Decorating open to adults, high schoolers, and middle schoolers. Youth may not be dropped off without signing in and checking that there are enough adults to supervise.

*We will close every day from noon-1pm for lunch break.  No volunteers may stay in the building during that time.   

Please bring snacks to eat while you work!


Please note that your t-shirt size must be an ADULT size. Adult small t-shirts are the smallest size available for volunteers.

Please register only for the volunteer position you would like the most. Positions will close (and no longer be visible) when full, so if you meet the criteria for a position that is still open, it is yours. If there is any problem with two people volunteering at approximately the same time, you will be contacted with other choices. Positions are listed alphabetically so please scroll all the way down to see all choices! Having trouble deciding? Use these questions to help - 1. Setting: With a small group of kids all week (crew) or at the same activity all week (station)? 2. Interests: Do you have any particular interests/hobbies (i.e. dance, acting, science, etc.)?

Volunteer registration closes when all spots are full or May 24 - whichever comes first. We MUST have enough adults and high schoolers to lead all crews. Spaces will open for more kids only when crew leader spots are filled!

Safe Environment - Mandatory For All

Adults 18+ at the time of VBS: If your Safe Environment certification is expiring, you will be contacted by the Safe Environment Coordinator with instructions to renew your training. If you do not have Safe Environment certification, please email Jeanette Page ( for registration and paperwork information.

Anyone 17 or under (6th-12th grade) who is volunteering will need training for Teen Leadership Safe Environment prior to VBS, NO EXCEPTIONS. This training is NOT the same as the adult training but is sent to us by the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry. Topics covered include but are not limited to: Boundaries and Boundary Violations and their relationship to Sexual Abuse, What is My Role as a Leader, and How do I Influence Others Positively and Negatively, as well as specific ways to interact positively and safely with the children at VBS.  Any parent who wishes to view the materials used before training may contact the Jeanette Page (

Youth training dates: To be determined.

VBS Training - Mandatory For Youth; Recommended For New Adults

VBS training will be attached to the Safe Environment training for your convenience. ALL youth must attend a 30 minute VBS training regardless of needing Safe Environment training this year. Training is mandatory regardless of number of years volunteering. Adults who are new to VBS are highly encouraged to attend for informational purposes.

VBS training dates: TBA


Nursery is available free of charge for the younger children of volunteers. Please register young children just like older children and choose "Nursery" as their age group. Children in the Nursery will not get a t-shirt.


Plan to arrive by 8:30 am Monday morning and no later than 8:40 am Tuesday - Friday. Volunteers will enter through the marked double glass doors on the North side of the Family Life Center (under the covered portico).  This is a separate entrance from Participants.  Plan to leave around 12:15 pm if you are a crew leader and 12:30 pm if you are with a station. Both crew leaders and station helpers must get their materials ready for the next morning. Specific instructions will be given to you as needed. Check your calendars for trips, doctor/dentist visits, etc.! It is very difficult to find subs even for sudden illnesses, so please clear your mornings! If you know you must miss a day, contact Karen Hines before registering to talk about placement. Last minute notice of missing a day can result in losing your placement to someone on the volunteer waitlist for the entire week.