You will receive a confirmation email when registration is submitted. If you are brought back to the registration form, please double-check that all required questions are answered and resubmit. Make checks payable to St. Catherine of Siena and mail or drop off check at the church. Payment (online*, cash, check, or money order) must be received immediately to keep your spot! Be sure you include the words VBS and your child's name(s) with your payment.
All VBS payments are non-refundable.
*Online payments are available. Copy and paste the following link to your browser and it will take you directly to the correct payment page in Faith Direct. and sign in if you already participate in FaithDirect. Sign up if you do not have a login and password. Once enrolled, you may submit a payment. Do not mark a payment for a past date - the system will automatically schedule the payment for next year and we will not see it available. FaithDirect online payment is available even if you are not a St. Catherine's parishioner.*
If you try to register and are told that the grade is full, call Karen Hines at 972-492-3237 ext. 123 for details. There may be space or your child will be added to the waiting list.
Special Needs
We are happy to welcome children with special needs of all kinds at St. Catherine's VBS. Please indicate needs on the registration form and/or email or call Karen Hines at to discuss your child's needs and any concerns you have.
Friend Requests
If your child would like to be in a crew with a friend, please note that BOTH participants must register asking for each other. You may request ONE friend only for a child. The children do not need to be in the same grade. Incoming 5th graders will be split into different crews as they are "Crew Leaders In Training." See bottom for more details.
Volunteer - You are needed!
Your participation directly affects how many children we can allow at VBS each year! We are always in need of adult and high school volunteers as Crew Leaders and Station Leaders! Please consider volunteering carefully - there's something for everyone and all volunteers find it very rewarding and well worth the time spent! Nursery for children too young for VBS is available only for volunteers.
Drop off - 9 am
Sign all kids in for VBS each day at the entrance to SCUBA VBS. Crews will meet in Assisi Hall each day at their crew poster. Unless you are volunteering, please do not drop off children before 8:50 am. Participants will not be admitted into the building before 8:50am
Snacks are provided each day around 10:30 am. If your child has allergies or other special dietary needs, please note them on the registration form and you will be contacted by the Director about the specific food items planned for each day. We are able to accommodate most needs, however, in some cases we may ask that you provide a suitable snack for your child.
Pick up - 12 pm (noon)
Sign all kids out for VBS each day at the entrance to SCUBA VBS. All children will be in Assisi Hall for pick up. Parents are welcome to join us at 11:45 am each day for our closing songs!
Incoming 5th graders
Incoming 5th graders will be called "Crew Leaders in Training." For this reason, 5th graders will not be together so we can have a 5th grader with as many crews as possible. Crew leaders are instructed to give special tasks to 5th graders and begin telling them the types of responsibilities they will have as volunteers in the following year. 5th graders are still members of the crew and complete all activities as a participant. They are not permitted to separate from the crew during VBS, but we hope to appeal to 5th graders who feel "too old" for VBS and get them excited about volunteering next summer!