Welcome! Thank you for registering your child for an exciting year of Sunday school at St. Mark! We are looking forward to meeting and learning about our amazing God with all of you!
**Please remember to provide your full name and date in the Attendance, Photo/Media Waiver and Medical Treatment permission fields at the end of the Participant information list. You must fill these out for your registration to be complete. If you choose not to have your child photographed or in videos, please just type "I do not give permission," and then add your name and date.
Important Dates:
Rally Day and the 1st day of Sunday School is Sunday, September 8th! At 9:20 am, PARENTS and STUDENTS will meet upstairs in the EDUCATION CENTER to kick-off our exciting year of learning and serving. Students will be able to meet their teachers and view their classrooms. We will then move to the fellowship hall in the church for treats and games.
Note that children will be allowed into their classrooms no earlier than 9:10 am. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade must be signed in and out of their classrooms each week.
If you have any questions, please contact the Sunday school coordinator at stmarksunschool@gmail.com.
Cheerfully serving.
Denise Schaufel and Melissa Grandt