The Incredible Race VBS 

@ East Side Baptist Church

Let your kids join us for a fully packed week at VBS this year! Free event.

There will be games, crafts, food, skits, life stories, and all-round fun for kids K4 thru 12th grade!!! There will be a meal provided for the kids each night during VBS times! Opening ceremony will begin at 6PM and we will conclude at 8:30PM.


It's a Vacation Bible School like no other!

Kids will race from continent to continent uncovering clues and attempting challenges as they fill their score cards.

They'll also discover that, no matter where we live, what shade of skin we have, or what language we speak, we are all part of the same race—the human race—and all part of the same family from Adam and Eve.

As they examine the events surrounding the tower of Babel, kids will learn that God is calling people from every tribe and nation through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. And that he wants us to share this good news in kindness and love with our neighbors nearby and far away. 

Join The Incredible Race and experience God's love for every tribe, language, and nation! 

There will be a bus/van route as well. If your kids need to be picked up and dropped off by us, please let us know in the registration form!! (IF THEY ARE PICKED UP, WE MUST DROP THEM OFF AS WELL or vice versa. For security reason, we will not allow one or another). If you have any questions, email or call/text Doug Estes (VBS Leader) at (864) 616-3671. *Will need to be within our bus/van routes.*
Family Night Fun will be that Friday, where all the family is invited to have fun with us! There will be a meal prepared for everyone, blow ups, popcorn, cotton candy, hamster ball, horses, and MUCH MORE!

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Doug Estes (VBS Leader) at the above contact information.

Register your kids or sign up to volunteer Today!