Get ready for MAKER FUN FACTORY at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Plantation! Don't miss this amazing week for you child(ren) as we learn that we were created by God and built for a Purpose!

Registration is now available online until enrollment is full!

First, Register Participant on the Registration Page.

Second, return to the main page and click on fees and it will take you to the OSL website. Enter your child's name and pay for the number of children you registered. 

Payment can be made online following registration or you can pay in the church office. 


-Register children as participants: 3yrs old by September 1 thru 5th grade   

-Adults and Youth (Those going into sixth grade and older) can register as volunteers!

(T-shirts will be available for pick up 1st day of VBS - T-shirts will be ordered May 30th! So sign up before this date to assure t-shirt is ordered)

Want to order a copy of the Sound Wave Sing and Play Music? Order and Pay online.

(CDs will be available for pick up in the church office starting May 1st)

Space is limited, register today!

Extended Camp Care is available from 7:30 - 9am and 12 - 6pm. 

Pre-Register for Extended Camp Care by calling 954-370-2161.

Volunteers Training will be 6/17/17 at 9am, 1030am, or 12 noon. We will be setting up stations this day so plan to stay from 9am to 2pm if you can help and earn more Volunteer hours.