It’s a race unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. A race filled with fun clues to find and loaded with interesting challenges to attempt. At the same time, it’s about another race. A race that began at the Garden of Eden and continues until this day, made up of all people from all time. What race? The Human Race. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play games, and experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures.
Join The Incredible Race and experience God's love for every tribe, language, and nation!
VBS is open to children Pre-K (ages 3,4) - 8th grade. The registration fee for VBS is $10 cash or checks made out to New Dover UMC.
Registration is due by July 1st. Early-bird registration is due by May 15th. Children who are registered for the early-bird will receive an Incredible Race t-shirt when they arrive at VBS!
For any questions, please email us at