We will be collecting items for the MORRIS CHAPEL FOOD PANTRY!
This includes of course, non-perishable food items. But also, personal items such as shampoo, body wash, bar soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, laundry soap, dish soap, and toilet paper.
This will be a contest between the boys and the girls and this year we are trying to tip the scales! All items will be weighed each night. SO, the challenge is on Morris Chapel VBS participants, let's BREAK the SCALE!!!!!!
At the end of each night we will announce with the help of our very own SALLY SOUP CAN and TRIXIE THE TOMATO, who is in the lead. Will it be the boys? The girls? Who knows! Only time will tell!
In the end when all is said and done, the winners will be the recipients of the food from the pantry!
Something new this year...whichever group wins...boys or girls...will have the opportunity to throw whipped cream pies at Miss Sam on closing night outside before water time!