Our VBS children will travel daily through these sites, as they learn how Jesus' power pulls us through each day in all circumstances!

SING & PLAY ROCK/CLOSING QUEST - Children will begin all together each day in Worship, with a child-led praise team leading them with exciting songs about Jesus.  Here, we lay down the daily Bible Point, Bible Memory Verse & Bible Story that they will learn more about at the travelling sites.  They will also see a funny skit that helps them explore how Jesus' power helps them.  Please be on time daily so they don't miss this!  At the end of the day, we come back together to "wrap-up" the day.

Children travel in 5 small groups to our travelling sites:

BIBLE ADVENTURES - Children will enter the campsite and learn the Bible story each day by hearing & acting out the story.  We have discovered that children remember these stories long after VBS has ended!  They will also see a lasting object lesson from our science kit.

VINE DINING SNACKS with KidVid Cinema - Every day, children will enjoy and at times, help prepare a snack that enhances the Railway or Bible theme.  They will also view and discuss a video with real-life children life applications. (Remember to tell us if your children have any food allergies/sensitivities!)

IMAGINATION STATION - Children will further emphasize the day's theme with hands-on crafts, including a photo frame with their picture taken at VBS.  Some days these will come home that day; other crafts need to dry or wait for another step.  (If you leave VBS before Friday, remember to pick up your child's craft bag!)

JUNGLE GYM GAMES -  Out the children go to the great outdoors (except if raining) to "play" out the Bible story in fun and sometimes wet games.  Children will laugh and play their way through the railway station!  Children get a drink of water at this site. 

MOUNTAIN MISSIONS -  Unique to LGCC, each year, we develop our own hands-on Missions site, where children learn about some of missionaries who serve Christ all around the world.  They also see and act out how some children live in our area and abroad, and how we can help them.  Children make hands-on projects that help those children in Jesus' name!