September 10, 2023 — May 31, 2025
NOTE: A complete downloadable Religious Education Schedule is attached.
The following eight classes will be offered for children:
1. Pre-Kindergarten (age 4 and above & toilet trained)
2. Kindergarten / 1st Grade
3. 2nd / 3rd Grade First Reconciliation & First Communion Preparation*
4. 4th / 5th Grade First Reconciliation & First Communion Preparation*
5. 3rd / 4th Grade (First Communion Completed)
6. 5th / 6th Grade (First Communion Completed)
7. 7th - 12th Grade Confirmation Preparation (First Communion Completed)*
8. RCIC - All ages, not yet Baptized
*NOTE: Classes marked with a * require parents/guardians submit Sacramental Records to the Catholic Religious Education Coordinator (REC) verifying completion of past Sacraments. These documents need to be dated no earlier than six months before they are submitted to the REC. (See attached document for routing of Sacramental Records.)
+First Communion requires record of Baptism. First Communion at JBLM is scheduled for 2 June 2023.
+Confirmation requires record of Baptism and First Communion. Confirmation will be scheduled based on the availability of an Archdiocese for Military Service (AMS) Bishop visiting JBLM.
NOTE: All parents/guardians are required to download the attached Catholic Religious Education Covenant, sign, and submit to the Catholic Religious Education Coordinator.