Sunday School

Who: Children in grades K - 5

When: Sundays from 9:00am - 9:50am.  The program runs from September 26th - April 3rd. 

Where: (IN PERSON) Classrooms on the 2nd floor of the Immaculate Conception School Elementary building.

Sunday School is offered to students wanting to grow and learn more about their Catholic faith in a traditional classroom setting. The children are taught by faith-filled volunteers who find engaging ways to practice and teach the faith to the children.

Proper Covid protocols will be in place.

If you are interested in preparing for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion, a separate registration is needed. Please go to for more information.

*** If we are unable to gather in-person for any portion of the 2021-2022 religious education school year, we will have a virtual program that will allow for continuous learning.  We will leverage the workbooks, online catechism resources, and direction from catechists to allow for distance learning.

Please note: This is the only religious education program that is hosted by Church of the Immaculate Conception this year for grades K-5..