We are excited to be offering Neighborhood VBS to our community this summer. So what is Neighborhood VBS? Neighborhood VBS is all the exciting, Bible-based, fun of Vacation Bible School adapted to provide smaller socially distanced opportunities. We are bringing VBS to the neighborhoods of Shawnee instead of our church campus during the week of July 13-17.

How will this work? We need at least 20 host homes to provide their backyard, front yard, or even their driveway as the space for VBS. As the host home you would choose a time that works best for your family during that week. We will provide all the teaching materials and supplies that you will need, and we will also create a team of volunteers to help you. Speaking of help, we also need at least 20 Co-hosts. The co-host does not provide space, but joins a host home to help bring a smooth VBS experience. Finally the last opportunity to serve would be as a Crew Leader. The crew leader is there to serve with the host and co-host in any format that they would need. 

So what about the kids? How will will the Church help to control the number of kids that show up at one host home? We will have registration for all the Neighborhood VBS's around Shawnee. Space will be limited to 15 kids per host home, with an option for the host home to add an additional 5 more kids at their discretion. A single Neighborhood VBS will have around 5 volunteers including the host, co-host, and crew leaders, as well as 15-20 school-age children.