6:00-6:05 Check in

6:05-6:20 Welcome, Pledges (upstairs), Prayer, Worship

Pledges-US; Christian Flag & Bible (Please help your child to learn the Christian Flag Pledge and the Bible Pledge.)

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands; one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe.

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.

6:20-6:35 Talk-About Video

6:35-7:10 Core Bible Discovery

7:10-7:30 Games (Back to classroom for dismissal)  


09/07/22 Registration/Kickoff:  Come for a night of fellowship and register the kiddos.  No need to cook, supper provided.

09/21/22 Camp Rock Day:  Wear that Camp Rock gear. 

10/05/22 Favorite Team:  Represent your favorite team whether it be your school, a college or professional team for any sport or extra-curricular activity.

10/26/22 Harvest Fun Night:  Dress as a Bible Character.  We will also be doing Christmas gifts this night so be thinking of what you would want to draw.  There will be a special activity this night as well.

11/09/22 Red, White & Blue Night:  Wear red, white & blue as we remember the Veterans that have served our country, past and present.

11/23/22 NO DIG IN.  Happy Thanksgiving.

12/14/22 Dig In Christmas Lesson:  Dig In Christmas party,  Dress Christmassy for a chance to win a prize.

12/21/22 & 12/28/22 NO DIG IN.  Merry Christmas to all!  Have a great Christmas break.  We will see you on January 4th.

01/1/23 Hats and Popcorn:  This week there it is National Hat Day and National Popcorn Day.  Wear your hat and we will provide the popcorn.

02/08/23 Celebrate Love:  Where the colors pink, red or anything with a love design.  National PJs day is celebrated this week also, so you may wear those PJs if you wish.

03/15/23 Mix matched/Backward Night:  Wear your clothes backwards, mismatched, however you wish.

04/05/23 Celebrate Easter:  Dress Easterly.

04/26/23 Last Night/Fun Night:  The annual year end party will be held this night.  Details to follow on this.