Send your kids on an out-of-this-world adventure! At Stellar VBS, kids shine Jesus’ light! Your child will meet new friends, do amazing experiments, play creative games, eat super-fun snacks, take surprising adventures and listen to incredible music. Stellar is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch!
VBS starts at 9:00 am and ends at noon on July 31 to August 4, 2023. A snack will be provided each day. Although the majority of the day is spent indoors, there will be some brief outdoor activities, weather permitting.
Each child will receive one t-shirt (which we ask be worn each day at VBS). Each family will have the opportunity to purchase the music CD/Download card full of the catchy VBS songs.
Any child who will be FOUR (4) years old by July 28th is welcome to register. VBS offers two distinct age-appropriate groups: Elementary (for kids age 4 through entering 4th grade), and Service Crew (kids entering 5th and 6th grade). Everyone is sure to have a fantastic time!!
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