All 5-year-olds - 5th grade are eligible to attend.

We will be offering both an in-person option as well as a virtual option.

In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, registration is on-line only this year. We will not be taking walk-up registrations.  Registration deadline is June 30, 2021. 

FUMC Burleson has adopted the new CDC guidelines of no mask for fully the fully vaccinated. We highly encourage mask for children, but it is not a requirement. We will not be taking temperatures either. We will still be sanitizing hands as it is just good practice. We ask that you please keep your child at home if they are showing any signs of illness. Likewise we ask that if you have an adult in your household who is sick please keep your child at home. We understand that these changes may make some people uncomfortable, but please know that in our planning we have done our very best to keep your children as well as our volunteers safe and healthy!   

We will be drive by drop-off and pick-up ONLY for in-person participants.