Family of Christ Vacation Bible School
Permission, Emergency Medical Treatment, Photo/Video Release, and Behavior Expectations
I understand that by submitting the electronic VBS registration form for my son/daughter, I am agreeing to the following:
- Permission: I give my permission for my child(ren) to participate in Family of Christ’s Vacation Bible School taking place June 23-27, 2025. I understand that there are potential risks involved with any activity involving kids having fun and learning about Jesus! I fully release Family of Christ Lutheran Church and its leaders and volunteers from all liability.
- Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event my child sustains an injury or illness while at Family of Christ for VBS, I give my permission for first aid to be administered as needed. I understand that parents or emergency contacts will be contacted as soon as possible.
- Photo/Video Release: I understand that during VBS pictures and videos will be taken. They will be used to share with crews, on the projection screens during VBS programming, and for in-church communications. If you would like to limit the use of images or videos of your child(ren), please submit your request via email to
- Behavior Expectations: Vacation Bible School is full of fun activities, games, and lots of learning about Jesus all while making new friends. I understand that my son/daughter cannot bring personal belongings that would not be beneficial to this event, including, but not limited to, cell phones, video games, toys, etc. I understand that Family of Christ will not be responsible for any personal items that are lost or broken while at VBS. In general VBS is so busy and fun, that unacceptable behavior is not an issue, but in the case that a child struggles to make good decisions and doesn’t respond to gentle correction and redirection from VBS staff and volunteers, that parents may be contacted. Children and their parents/guardians are responsible for any damages caused by inappropriate behavior.