We plan to have 3 ON CAMPUS community groups for PRESCHOOLER only. 4 year old's through those entering Kinder in the fall will meet downstairs in the Kids Wing of First Pres just as they have in the past. They will remain separate from the Elementary kids and will have a Preschool curriculum each day, slightly different from what the others will have.

We plan to have 4 or 5 ON CAMPUS community groups for ELEMENTARY kids. These groups will be mixed age and will each have their own group of leaders for the week. They will remain in their areas (inside and outside) with the same kids and leaders all week. 

This new set up with community groups will allow for building better relationships with other kids and leaders, longer time on the Bible lesson, less confusion in large loud opening and closing assemblies as before, and some time for small groups talking and laughing and asking questions and being seen and known. We all could use a little more of that now days!

We are dreaming of having 1 or 2 community groups, just like these above, OFF CAMPUS. If you have a neighborhood full of kids and maybe several First Pres members, please consider signing up to be a SITE LEADER. This position is mostly an organizer and encourager of the group of leaders who we will help put together for you. Check out the VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION for more detail on what these specific jobs look like. They are also listed on the Kids Page of firstpres.com.

We also need some help PRE-VBS with prepping supplies and even snacks for each community group. Let us know if you want to help out with this.

Please call Kelli Glass if you have any questions...about VBS or about how you can get involved! 806-350-5212.