Hello Families!
VBS is On! It's going to be a little different. We plan to hold VBS July 6-10th. Our Theme is Boomerang Express: It all comes back to Jesus.
There are a few things that you all need to be aware of that we are putting into place to keep numbers low and kids and leaders safe. I have also listed the things that we are going to do to ensure that we have a safe and Fun VBS.
1) We will hold two 1.5 hour sessions. One session will be 9-10:30 and the other from 11:00-12:30. Each session will be available for kids ages 3 (and potty trained) through kids going into 6th Grade. We will only be allowing 50 kids per session. We must stick firm to this so that we can anticipate the number of children and how to spread everyone out safe distances.
2) We will REQUIRE that
you preregister. Since we must know exact numbers, we will need you to
preregister so we can get this all set up. You can register on this site.
3) Our Safety practices we will have in place:
-We plan to keep the groups very small and your children will remain in this small group all week. They will do a Bible Story and a Craft every day in the same room throughout the week. They will also have the same leaders.
-We will not be having any opening or closing time in the sanctuary or large group times.
-We will have a 30 minute break between sessions, when we will sanitize all the rooms used and clean the bathrooms as well.
-We will have one door for entering and one for exiting to prevent too many people coming and going in the same door.
-Face masks will be
optional for everyone. (Be sure to bring your own mask if you want your child to wear one. We will not be able to provide face masks. ) If the county health administrator changes the guidelines regarding face masks, then we will plan to follow them.
-We will practice and encourage social distancing as much as possible.
Please feel free to contact me or the church office with any questions or concerns that you may have about this. Thank you and we look so forward to getting to see the kiddos again!🙂
Thank you,
Becky Wolfe
VBS Director