We are all in need of God's rock solid Truth because we live in a world of shifting sands. There are so many things pulling at our children. Their focus and allegiance are attacked on a daily basis. VBS is a great opportunity in the middle of the summer where kids can be challenged as they discover that God's truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love.

At Erlanger Baptist Church we desire to encourage and equip children and adults to love and follow God, our immovable Rock! Adventure awaits each day as kids explore our fun VBS Theme: Breaker Rock Beach, participate in fun games, cool crafts, and dive deep into God's word in exciting ways.

VBS@EBC is for all children 3 years old through completed 5th grade (rising 6th graders). This dynamic event is free and Erlanger-Elsmere Schools will be providing a free meal for everyone under the age of 18 beginning at 5pm. VBS@EBC activities will run from 6-8:30pm, Monday-Friday, July 15-19, 2024.