This year we are going to be making a SPLASH in Honduras!   Most of us take for granted that we can turn on a tap and get a healthy drink of water.  Clean water is very important, but, some people don't have clean water to drink! At Scuba VBS we will be collecting money to help provide clean drinking water to children in Honduras.  But, about one in nine people do not have access to clean water. Lack of access to clean water means that many women and young girls spend valuable time walking long distances to wells. That's time they could be spending in school or helping their families in other ways! Many of these families are drinking water form rivers, which leads to disease and malnutrition.

But, we can help change that!  For every $5.00 donation we can provide clean water for one person for a year!  We will be collecting offerings daily, so make sure that your child brings daily offerings.