Emmanuel's Volunteers are the BEST!

There are many ways to be a part of the Treasured VBS team at Emmanuel. To volunteer, register and choose from the list of positions available where you think you’d fit best or enjoy serving. Be sure to look under the documents page for the required paperwork. All volunteers will need to have a current application and background check on file. 

We’ll add you to our VBS email list, where you’ll get all the information you need to join the fun. You can also join our STAFF Facebook Group

@ https://www.facebook.com/groups/362191313799758/

If you have any questions please contact our Treasure VBS director.

Important dates:

*June 21 @ 6-8pm VBS work night

*June 28 @ 10am-3pm Prop building/decorating

*June 30 @ 10am-3pm Prop building/decorating

*July 7 @ 6:30-8:00pm Staff training in the auditorium

*July 6 @ 10am-3pm Prop building/decorating

*July 7 @ 10am-3pm Prop building/decorating

*July 9 @ 9am Final decorating day

*July 11-15 @6:00-8:30pm VBS