Kids participate in memorable bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and devour yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind bible adventures, collect bible memory buddies to remind them of God's love, and have some crafty fun.
The kids will be active during their learning adventures so wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Sunscreen is appropriate. Include shirt size with registration as each participant will receive a VBS t-shirt.
VBS is for ages 4 - 5th grade, nursery for volunteers. Registration fee is $5 per child, maximum of $15 per family. This fee can be waived if requested. Music CD's are available for $10, DVD's which include kids singing the VBS songs are available for $20. Please order the CD's and DVD's with registration. Pay through this website, check, or cash to the church office.
During the week we will collect non-perishable food for the local food bank and support a related ministry.