September 18, 2021
Water Street
Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway VBS EXPRESS! On this faith-filled adventure, kids in Preschool through Grade 5 will discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs.
Check-in for pre-registered VBS EXPRESS participants will be located on the front lawn of the church beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, September 18th.
A boxed lunch will be provided for the children attending VBS EXPRESS on Saturday, September 18th.
Preschoolers (Age 4) must be POTTY TRAINED in order to attend VBS EXPRESS.
The TEEN RALLY will be held in Bradburn Park from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 18th. Check-in for pre-registered participants will begin at 6:45 p.m. at the entrance to the Park. SHS Baseball Coach Marcus Davis will be speaking, followed by a night of fun activities!!!
COVID PRECAUTIONS: VBS EXPRESS pre-registration will be limited to the first 100 PreK to Grade 5 participants to ensure the safety of all participants and volunteers. When in an indoor setting, VBS Express participants and volunteers will be masked and seated at an appropriate distance. Disposable masks will be provided at each of the three indoor stations, and refillable water bottles will be distributed to all participants. Air flow will be enhanced by overhead fans and open doors.
Pre-registration will not be limited for the Teen Rally (Grades 6 to 12), as all activities for this event will be held in an outdoor setting. However, appropriate distancing will be emphasized during all Teen Rally activities.