VBS Location: First Presbyterian Church
249 W. McLelland Avenue
Mooresville, NC 28115
Dates: Monday, July 10 - Friday, July 14
Times: 9:30 am - noon
Ages: 4 year olds - rising 6th graders
Registration: Sunday, May 7 - Sunday, July 2
******Registration is limited, so sign up early.
Contact: Ellen Auten
704-664-5275; ellen@mooresvillefpc.org
Registration: mooresvillefpc.org - click on VBS card on website
Parents will receive a letter at the beginning of July with additional details, along with a consent form to sign and bring on the first day of VBS.
T-shirts are available to purchase for $6 each. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt, please indicate their shirt size on registration form. Bring money on July 10.