The healthy and safety of our children and volunteers is our highest priority. Below are the actions to be taken to ensure we are lowering Covid-19 risk as much as possible.

· Intensify cleaning and disinfection within the Chapel especially frequently touched surfaces and shared items. Also try to limit number of items shared as much as possible.

· Temperatures will be taken before entrance permitted to ensure no one has a fever over 100.3.

· Hand sanitizer will be used before entrance and throughout the time in Bible School.

· Face coverings are recommended whenever social distancing is not possible, especially unvaccinated adults.

· Social distance whenever possible but this is hard in this setting. Children’s class groups will stay self-contained and have limited contact with other class groups.

· Everyone attending, children and volunteers, should be fever free (without fever-reducing medicine) for 48 hours before returning to Bible School.

· Anyone who is ill should be not attend Bible School. If any child or volunteer does start to feel ill, they will be safely isolated to limit exposure of others.

· Anyone who is sick or was sick with Covid-19 or recently in contact with Covid-19 in the last 10 days- including volunteers and children- should not come to Bible School.