Imagine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they're lovingly crafted by God. Join us June 11th-15th in the evenings for Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School at Crossroads! Register your kids today or sign up to volunteer as a leader or helper.

Please note that to attend preschool VBS, your child must be at least 3 years of age AND potty trained. 


Preteen students (those who will be in 5th and 6th grade in the Fall of 2017) are encouraged to sign up as Junior Leaders!  You will have to attend training on May 23rd.

Youth students must be 16 years or older by the start of VBS to lead a group on their own.  All students are encouraged to sign up, there will be a variety of ways to serve!  You will need to attend at least one training.  Contact Mrs. Anita for more info!