What to expect at VBS!

Please visit the sign-in tables upon arrival. Sign in will open at 9:10am on Monday

and 9:15am for the rest of the week.

Children will be in placed into Crews according to the grade they will be entering in the fall of 2022

Once signed in you will escort your child to the sanctuary and drop them off to their designated group.

Our morning starts out in the Sanctuary for Sing and Play Celebration where we will sing songs, learn our daily Bible Point and Verse, watch a skit and more.

Then the groups will rotate through the following stations



Bible Adventure

KidVid Cinema

Imagination Stations

We all head back to the sanctuary to wrap up the day in our Canyon Closing!

Pick up will take place in the Sanctuary. Please have your ID ready to show the leaders.

We are looking forward to a great week!