VBS registration is now closed.  If you have any questions about your current registration, please reach out to alyson@insidecrosspointe.com.

CrossPointe VBS is open to rising Pre-K (already 4 years old) through rising 5th graders!

Monday, June 24-Thursday, June 27


CrossPointe members, we need your help to make VBS happen!  Please select the job(s) that interest you or choose "wherever needed" and we will help you get plugged in!

Volunteer requirements: 

  • Adult (over 18): must be a member of CrossPointe and complete a background check and brief video training.
  • High-school student (rising 9th-12th grades): must be the child of a CrossPointe member or actively participate in CrossPointe Youth with recommendation from CrossPointe Youth staff.  
  • Middle-school student (rising 6th-8th grades): must be the child of a CrossPointe member or provide a reference from a CrossPointe elder or staff member. 


  • Volunteers registered by June 4 will receive a free t-shirt.  Additional t-shirts may be purchased at the link below (by June 4).
  • Participant t-shirts are $15 and must be ordered by June 4 at the link below.
  • Order Link