Each session will be held as an in-person event. We are prepared and ready for children to attend VBS! Children will be social distanced in our sanctuary and not in any small groups in smaller rooms as the Station Leaders rotate teaching their stations from the stage. Pre-packaged snacks will be served with bottled water. Lunch will be provided on Saturday and brought in from a local restaurant. Our building will be sanitized before, during and after each session with industrial sanitizing equipment. All high touch areas will be sanitized after each use and other areas will be cleaned frequently as needed. You can be sure that we are doing all we can to make Rocky Railway VBS a fun and safe event for your child.
If at any time you discover that your child has a fever or any symptoms of Covid-19 or has been exposed to Covid-19, please keep them at home and take advantage of the VBS online live event. (Videos will be live and also be posted for watching later on our YouTube channel.)