FRIEND REQUESTS?  Crews are formed based on age and grade.  Preschool/Kindergarten are in crews together and follow a different schedule than elementary-age kids. We will do our best to accommodate all friend requests, however please understand that we must keep crew sizes balanced and within acceptable adult-child ratios. Once the programs begins, we will not be able to move kids to other crews.

SAFETY?  Be sure to indicate on your registration form if your child has any allergy or medical issues.  Every effort will be made to protect all children who attend our VBS program.  Special wrist bands will be available from Crew Leaders each night, to help identify children with special health concerns.

PHOTOS?  By registering your child for our VBS program, you give permission for Cornerstone Church staff and it's representatives to take group photos and video that may be used in communication and promotion material, including social media. Children will never be identified by name.  If you DO NOT WANT your child in photos, please be sure to indicate that on their registration.

MUSIC. We are pleased to offer VBS music for your kids/family to enjoy long after the program. This year you will have a choice of a physical CD or a link to download the music. Please indicate your preference when you register your kids.