June 19, 2023 — June 22, 2023
Monday June 19th - Thursday June 22rd from 9 am-12 pm at Christ Church.
Get ready, get set, and MOVE at Christ Episcopal VBS! Our theme "Ready! Set! Move! Follow Jesus here, there and everywhere" will incorporate stories from the New Testament-including the Resurrection, Paul’s conversion, and Pentecost- and children will learn to move forward in their own journey of faith.
The memory verse for the week is Hebrews 12:2a “Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And he is the one who completes the journey of faith."
Children ages incoming Kindergarten - incoming 5th grade will have a blast engaging in God’s word, creating unique crafts, playing games outdoors, learning and singing great music, enjoying special treats, and participating in a service project.
Co-Directors, Margaret Pape and Drew Welch are excited to share God’s love with the children this summer!
VBS also needs adult volunteers and teen helpers (incoming 6th graders and older). Please consider helping all week or part of the week. Nursery care will be available for young children of volunteers during VBS. Volunteers, please register on the page as well.
Contact Margaret Pape margpape@gmail.com or
Drew Welch drewbwelch@gmail.com