First off, students gather together for worship and a skit.  Then classes break off by age group and rotate through activities, including: Bible Lessons, games, crafts, snacks and missionary lessons, and classroom time.

Day 1 - At the Junction: God Shows His Love

TOPIC: God’s strong love

THEME: The Good News changes people’s lives.

OBJECTIVE:  Students will know that God loves them and there is saving power in the gospel.


Day 2 - Down the Trail: God Loves All People

TOPIC:  God’s unlimited love

THEME:  The Good News is for everyone.

OBJECTIVE:  Students will recognize that the Good News is for everyone, and will identify a new way to share God’s love.


Day 3 - Over the Plain: God Loves Individuals

TOPIC:  God’s personal love

THEME:  The Good News is for you.

OBJECTIVE:  Students will grasp the love God has for each one of them, and will be willing to share His love with every person they meet.


Day 4 - To Be Wanted: God Loves an Enemy

TOPIC:  God’s saving love

THEME:  The Good News can reach anyone.

OBJECTIVE:  Realizing that nobody is beyond the reach of God’s love, students will accept and spread the Good News.


Day 5 - To New Frontiers: God’s Love Brings Joy

TOPIC:  God's unfailing love

THEME:  The Good News can bring joy—anytime!

OBJECTIVE:  Students will know that even when they fail, God will forgive and they can go on to serve Him.