Brighton Zion Lutheran Church VBS 2019

June 3 - 7, 2019

9:00 am to 11:30 am

Children must be 3 years old by September 15, 2018 to register for 

VBS 2019

Please note that to register you must consent to the information below:

Allergy Info:

By indicating your initials on the participant registration form you agree to the following:

If your child has a food allergy, it is YOUR responsibility to let the staff and group leaders know about the allergy.  Our VBS participants are provided snacks during the program.  Please provide a safe snack each day for your child to enjoy.

Liability & Publicity Release info:

By indicating your initials on the participant registration form you agree to the following:

"I acknowledge that neither I nor my son or daughter is covered by any medical insurance by Zion Lutheran Church. I do release Zion Lutheran Church, their officers, agents, employees, & VBS volunteers from all liability, demand or claims for & do hereby give consent for emergency treatment. I give permission to use any still or video images of my child in Zion's publicity, website, and news releases."