Monumental Elementary is for kids who have just completed K - 5th  Grade.

Please note: Elementary will primarily be held outside weather permitting.

Sunscreen is highly recommended!

Dear Elementary Parent,

We take your child's safety and your peace of mind very seriously. In order to lessen your inconvenience while still maintaining your child's safety, we have developed the following drop off and pick-up procedure for elementary students. Please make sure that your child checks in everyday in the registration tent. This enables us to have an accurate accounting of all the children in the program. When VBS is ending for the day, after Canyon Closing, we release the preschoolers to their pick up place. We then release the middle school students. This will leave only the elementary students in the closing. The elementary students line up with their crews and crew leaders beside their crew numbers in Bethesda's side yard by the registration tent. Parents/Designated Guardians will then be allowed to go to their kids crew and pick them up.

Just a reminder:

We will only release your child to you or your designated guardian EVEN IF someone not on the approved pickup list dropped them off in the morning. If the person picking up is not on the approved pickup list (created by you) they will not be allowed to pick your child up.