Quail Trail Preschool is for 4s & 5s who have not yet attended kindergarten.

Dear Preschool Parent,

We take very seriously the responsibility of caring for your preschooler during Quail Trail Preschool. In order to be able to keep a watchful eye on your little ones, we ask that you help us by following these directions for dropping off and picking up your child. Each day we need you to check in your child at the registration tent by the church entrance. After checking your child  in, please take your preschooler to the preschool department in the lower level.  At the end of the session, your preschooler must be picked up from the registration tent. We will only give your child to you or your designated guardian EVEN IF someone not on the approved pickup list dropped them off in the morning. If the person picking up is not on the approved pickup list (created by you) they will not be allowed to pick your child up. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to the Preschool Director, Rita Calcut, who will be wearing a green shirt or call Lori Moore, the VBS director at 734 558 8336.