Kick off summer vacation with a visit back in time to Athens, Greece. You will meet new friends,  share lots of laughs, dance to some pretty cool music and experience the Bible like never before. Kids age 5** to 5th grade in the fall are welcome to attend this event at no charge. 

Space is limited. Please reserve your spot today.

If for some reason your plans change and you are no longer able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible, so that another child can have your spot.

Your child may be photographed during VBS for use by Belgrade Alliance Church.  If you do not want your child's photograph used, please be sure to let us know that in the comments of their registration form, and we will do our best to honor your request.

Contact our VBS Director, Millie Veltkamp at Call or text 406-570-2554 with any questions or concerns that you may have.

**Kids need to be 5 on the first day of VBS.