Welcome to kidCREATE for the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited to announce kidCREATE will begin on Wednesday, September 18th at First Baptist Church Waynesville. kidCREATE is a FREE art and music experience for 1st-5th graders to enjoy on a weekly basis throughout the school year.
Transportation is provided for students that come from Junaluska, Hazelwood and Clyde Elementary Schools. Students from other schools are welcome to apply but will have to find their own transportation here. If you indicated on the registration form that your child needs transportation from school to the church, then your child will be picked up by the FBC Waynesville church bus or van. A parent or guardian must complete a permission slip and return to the student’s teacher giving FBC Waynesville permission to transport him/her on kidCREATE days. This note will be kept on file in the school office. In addition, each Wednesday you need to write a note in your child’s agenda book to let the teacher know that he or she will be attending kidCREATE on that day. The school will make sure that all the children are gathered together to wait for our transportation. If your child requires a booster seat and you wish for him/her to ride in a booster seat while on the bus or van, please email me at seth@fbcwaynesville.org or call the church at (828) 456-9465 to let us know.
We follow the school schedule for kidCREATE. If school dismisses early or is cancelled for any reason on a scheduled kidCREATE day, then we will not meet.
A parent or guardian should pick-up student(s) at 5:30pm in the church gym. Enter the church through the double doors at the top of the ramp and continue up the stairs. There will be signs and people to help direct you. You will need to sign your child out with his/her crew leader. Please be prompt in picking up your child – most of our volunteers have other responsibilities they need to attend to. If you have an emergency and cannot be there by 5:30pm please try to let us know and an adult will remain with your child until you arrive.
We look forward to meeting and growing with you and your child! Please do not hesitate to contact me at (828) 456-9465 or seth@fbcwaynesville.org if you have any questions or concerns.
Seth Wright
NextGen Pastor
First Baptist Church Waynesville